This file contains auxiliary functions of general purpose
@authors: Emanuel-Cristian Boghiu, Elie Wolfe and Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens
from __future__ import print_function
import sympy
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, Union
from sys import stderr
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import deque
def flatten(nested):
"""Keeps flattening a nested lists of lists until the
first element of the resulting list is not a list.
if isinstance(nested, np.ndarray):
return nested.ravel().tolist()
while isinstance(nested[0], Iterable):
nested = list(chain.from_iterable(nested))
return nested
def clean_coefficients(cert: Dict[str, float],
chop_tol: float = 1e-10,
round_decimals: int = 3) -> Dict:
"""Clean the list of coefficients in a certificate.
cert : Dict[str, float]
A dictionary containing as keys the monomials associated to the elements
of the certificate and as values the corresponding coefficients.
chop_tol : float, optional
Coefficients in the dual certificate smaller in absolute value are
set to zero. Defaults to ``1e-10``.
round_decimals : int, optional
Coefficients that are not set to zero are rounded to the number
of decimals specified. Defaults to ``3``.
The cleaned-up coefficients.
if not cert:
return cert
chop_tol = np.abs(chop_tol)
coeffs = np.asarray(list(cert.values()))
if chop_tol > 0:
# Try to take the smallest nonzero one and make it 1, when possible
normalising_factor = np.min(np.abs(coeffs[np.abs(coeffs) > chop_tol]))
# Take the largest nonzero one and make it 1
normalising_factor = np.max(np.abs(coeffs[np.abs(coeffs) > chop_tol]))
coeffs /= normalising_factor
# Set to zero very small coefficients
coeffs[np.abs(coeffs) <= chop_tol] = 0
# Round
coeffs = np.round(coeffs, decimals=round_decimals)
return dict(zip(cert.keys(), coeffs.flat))
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=stderr, **kwargs)
def partsextractor(thing_to_take_parts_of, indices) -> Tuple[int,...]:
if hasattr(indices, '__iter__'):
if len(indices) == 0:
return tuple()
elif len(indices) == 1:
return (itemgetter(*indices)(thing_to_take_parts_of),)
return itemgetter(*indices)(thing_to_take_parts_of)
return itemgetter(indices)(thing_to_take_parts_of)
def expand_sparse_vec(sparse_vec: sps.coo_array,
conversion_style: str = "eq") -> sps.coo_array:
"""Expand a one-dimensional sparse matrix to its full form. Used to expand
the solver arguments known_vars, lower_bounds, and upper_bounds."""
assert conversion_style in {"eq", "lb", "ub"}, \
"Conversion style must be `lb`, `ub`, or `eq`."
nof_rows = sparse_vec.nnz
nof_cols = sparse_vec.shape[1]
if conversion_style == "eq":
# Data values do not appear in '1' monomial column
row = np.arange(nof_rows)
col = sparse_vec.col
data = np.ones(nof_rows)
# Data values appear in '1' monomial column
# Upper bound format: x <= a -> a - x >= 0
row = np.repeat(np.arange(nof_rows), 2)
col = np.vstack((
np.zeros(nof_rows) # Assumes '1' monomial is first column
data = np.vstack((
if conversion_style == "lb":
# Lower bound format: x >= a -> x - a >= 0
data = -data
return sps.coo_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(nof_rows, nof_cols))
def vstack(blocks: tuple, format: str = 'coo') -> sps.coo_array:
"""Stack sparse matrices in coo_array form more efficiently."""
non_empty = tuple(mat for mat in blocks if mat.shape[0])
nof_blocks = len(non_empty)
if nof_blocks > 1:
if all(isinstance(block, sps.coo_array) for block in blocks):
nof_rows = 0
nof_cols = 0
adjusted_rows = []
for block in blocks:
adjusted_rows.append(block.row + nof_rows)
(block_len, block_wid) = block.shape
nof_rows += block_len
nof_cols = max(nof_cols, block_wid)
mat_row = np.hstack(adjusted_rows)
mat_col = np.hstack(tuple(block.col for block in blocks))
mat_data = np.hstack(tuple(block.data for block in blocks))
return sps.coo_array((mat_data, (mat_row, mat_col)),
shape=(nof_rows, nof_cols)).asformat(format)
return sps.vstack(blocks, format)
elif nof_blocks == 1:
return non_empty[0]
return sps.coo_array([])
def perm_combiner(old_perms: np.ndarray, new_perms: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
combined = np.take(old_perms, new_perms, axis=1)
new_shape = (-1, new_perms.shape[1])
return combined.reshape(new_shape)
def all_and_maximal_cliques(adjmat: np.ndarray,
isolate_maximal=True) -> (List, List):
"""Based on NetworkX's `enumerate_all_cliques`.
This version uses native Python sets instead of numpy arrays.
(Performance comparison needed.)
adjmat : numpy.ndarray
A boolean numpy array representing the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph.
max_n : int, optional
A cutoff for clique size reporting. Default 0, meaning no cutoff.
isolate_maximal : bool, optional
A flag to disable filtering for maximality, which can increase performance. True by default.
Tuple[List, List]
A list of all cliques as well as a list of maximal cliques. The maximal cliques list will be empty if the
`isolate_maximal` flag is set to False.
all_cliques = [[]]
maximal_cliques = []
verts = tuple(range(adjmat.shape[0]))
initial_cliques = [[u] for u in verts]
nbrs_mat = np.triu(adjmat, k=1)
initial_cnbrs = [np.flatnonzero(nbrs_mat[u]).tolist() for u in verts]
nbrs = list(map(set, initial_cnbrs))
queue = deque(zip(initial_cliques, initial_cnbrs))
there_is_a_cutoff = (max_n <= 0)
while queue:
base, cnbrs = queue.popleft()
if isolate_maximal and not len(cnbrs):
base_as_set = set(base)
if not any(base_as_set.issubset(superbase) for (superbase, _) in queue):
elif there_is_a_cutoff or len(base) < max_n:
for i, u in enumerate(cnbrs):
new_base = base.copy()
new_cnbrs = list(filter(nbrs[u].__contains__, cnbrs[i+1:]))
queue.append((new_base, new_cnbrs))
return all_cliques, maximal_cliques
def make_numerical(symbolic_expressions: Dict[Any, sympy.core.expr.Expr],
symbols_to_values: Dict[sympy.core.symbol.Symbol, float]
) -> Dict[Any, float]:
"""Replace the symbols in the values of a dictionary by the corresponding
numerical values.
symbolic_expressions : Dict[Any, sympy.core.expr.Expr]
Dictionary where the values are symbolic expressions of some variables.
symbols_to_values : Dict[sympy.core.symbol.Symbol, float]
Correspondence of the variables in the expressions and their associated
numerical values.
Dict[Any, float]
The dictionary with same keys and evaluated expressions as values.
numeric_values = dict()
for k, v in symbolic_expressions.items():
numeric_values[k] = float(v.evalf(subs=symbols_to_values))
except AttributeError:
numeric_values[k] = float(v)
return numeric_values